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Version: 2.0

Get Native Balances

There is an option getNativeBalances when creating or editing a Stream. It is a list of native balances calls for specific addresses.

You can get Native Balances (ETH/BNB/MATIC and many more) of addresses that appear in your Webhook. They are very similar to Triggers.

Native Balance Trigger

"getNativeBalances": [
selectors: ["$fromAddress", "$toAddress"],
type: 'tx'
  • selectors is a list of valid Selectors, for each selector you will get the native balance in the Webhook.
  • type for which part of the Webhook you want to select the addresses. Valid Types and also internalTxis allowed!


The Webhook introduces a new field nativeBalances that has the balances uniquely ordered by the triggers:

"confirmed": true,
"chainId": "0x1",
"abi": [],
"streamId": "v900a834-a542-43f9-98f6-0f76caf65394",
"tag": "someString",
"retries": 0,
"block": {
"number": "16140655",
"hash": "0xfc0b1ae5d04b3c5a780f1f72658edc9e26a6340df4b1118a713652b6d043039a",
"timestamp": "1670510543"
"logs": [],
"txs": [
"hash": "0xd304ef0dd0df001d8f37de569af63585dbf7637247b17dc12224828960b4d830",
"gas": "120000",
"gasPrice": "17605149814",
"nonce": "43904",
"input": "0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000072f54455fbdbff1b8975ab2df599ff9f9afb5310000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000606a9e0",
"transactionIndex": "16",
"fromAddress": "0x0b5c4a7fcda49e0a8661419bb55b86161a86db2a",
"toAddress": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
"value": "0",
"type": "2",
"v": "0",
"r": "52200684288032529078283440758240219132630446778024109656659293182067276426999",
"s": "25805856329951682196861199677610079726197925451457581628939426805653323455347",
"receiptCumulativeGasUsed": "1214527",
"receiptGasUsed": "63209",
"receiptContractAddress": null,
"receiptRoot": null,
"receiptStatus": "1"
"txsInternal": [],
"erc20Transfers": [],
"erc20Approvals": [],
"nftTokenApprovals": [],
"nftApprovals": {
"ERC721": [],
"ERC1155": []
"nftTransfers": [],
"nativeBalances": [
"address": "0x0b5c4a7fcda49e0a8661419bb55b86161a86db2a",
"balance": "3921415148849464186"
"address": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
"balance": "2135786324"